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Evenemanget har ägt rum. En nervkittlande eftermiddag i Göteborgs Konserthus när fyra unga finalister gör upp om första pris i Polstjärnepriset Nordic Edition.
En nervkittlande eftermiddag i Göteborgs Konserthus när fyra unga finalister gör upp om första pris i Polstjärnepriset Nordic Edition. För andra gången genomförs nu tävlingen med deltagare från alla Nordens länder.
Solisterna som framträder är i åldern 14-18 år. Efter flera tävlingsomgångar i mellandagarna ska vi få svar på frågan – vem blir årets vinnare?
Musiken framförs av Göteborgs Symfoniker och av Polstjärneprisets symfoniorkester under ledning av Petri Sakari och Polstjärneprisets huvuddirigent Andreas van Tol. Missa inte ett tillfälle att höra framtidens klassiska stjärnor!
Medverkar gör också cellisten Hugo Svedberg, som blev vinnare av Polstjärnepriset 2024.
I samarbete med Nordiskt centrum för musiktalanger.
”I started playing the violin when I was about 5 years old. Both my parents are professional musicians. My older brother also plays the violin, so it was natural for me to start as well. I love playing the violin and classical music and I want to become a professional musician in the future. ” Daniel Iourtchik, violin
”I grew up with classical music. My mother is a violin teacher and my father is a violinist, so playing the violin came naturally for me. At the YOMA courses I get lots of inspiration from fantastic teachers and students. I love to perform, and playing together with others makes me very happy. My dream is to become a professional violinist and work in an orchestra.” Sara Hagman, violin
”I love the sound of the cello. For me, the cello is the instrument that most closely resembles the human voice, from a rich bass to a bright soprano. If I can make the audience feel the cooperation between the voice and my interpretation of the music, then I would be very happy and feel that I have achieved my goal as a musician.” Clara Yuna Friedensburg, cello
”My name is Otilia and I have played the flute since I was 8 years old. I come from a family of music, so it was very natural for me to start as well. I started playing the piano, but the flute won in the end. I love classical music because of the freedom to express and because you meet wonderful people.” Otilia Zielke, flute
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