Göteborgs Konserthus Popical: Timo sings Ted

Event has already taken place. Timo Räisänen and the Gothenburg Symphony goes Ted Gärdestad.

Concert length: 2 h incl. intermission Scene: Stora salen
420 SEK

Event has already taken place

Timo Räisänen has made a Popical-concert earlier with magnificent results. Now he returns with his success Timo sings Ted where he does own, empathetic interpretations of Ted Gärdestad tunes supported by Gothenburg Symphony´s powerful sound in arrangements by Martin Schaub. 

In the Gothenburg Symphony’s Popical project, leading popular artists meet musicians from the orchestra in cross-over collaborations. Each concert is unique, with tailored musical arrangements.

100% vegetarian

We only have vegetarian on the menue in the restaurant and café this concert weekend, as part of our strategic environment and climate work. The food we eat today accounts for a quarter of our climate impact and WWF believe that we in the Western world should halve our meat intake to reduce the environmental footprint.

Therefore high durability and low climate impact is extra high on the agenda in the restaurant and the café – the three-course menu is vegetarian and the café serves organic pastries, snacks and vegetarian wraps. Together we make difference.



Gärdestad Viking

Gärdestad Sol, vind och vatten

Gärdestad Sommarlängtan

Gärdestad Kom i min fantasi

Gärdestad I den stora sorgens famn

Gärdestad Äntligen på väg / Ett stilla regn

Gärdestad Eiffeltornet

Gärdestad Kejsarens kläder

Gärdestad Buffalo Bill

Intermission 25 min

Gärdestad Helena

Gärdestad Jag vill ha en egen måne

Gärdestad Take Me Back to Hollywood

Gärdestad Nobody Loves You Now

Gärdestad Angela

Gärdestad Jag ska fånga en ängel

Gärdestad Himlen är oskyldigt blå

Gärdestad Satellit

Gärdestad När showen är slut


Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra

Timo Räisänen

Martin Schaub kapellmästare, keyboard, gitarr

Henrik Cederblom gitarr, mandolin

Martin Holmlund bas

Magnus Boqvist trummor

Questions? Contact the ticket office

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