Göteborgs Konserthus Groznyj in concert, YOU

Event has already taken place. Melancholic guitars and tasteful arrangements in combination with beautiful lyrics have become a trademark of the band.

Concert length: 2 h 10 min incl. intermission Scene: Stenhammarsalen Organizer: Asus Musikproduktion
325 SEK Children Ungdom upp tom 18 år 200 SEK

Event has already taken place

With roots in the amazing pop and rock scene of the 70’s, the band Groznyj has created something entirely unique with their distinctive and well-played music. Melancholic guitars and tasteful arrangements in combination with beautiful lyrics have become a trademark of the band.

In 2013 they performed a celebrated concert at the Stora Teatern in Gothenburg when they released the live album “Live and Unplugged”. This time they come to perform at Stenhammarsalen with the release of their fourth album “You”. Among inspiration are artists such as Cohen, Beatles, Bowie and Neil Young.



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