Göteborgs Konserthus Chances & Choices – A piano recital by Veneta Neynska

Concert length: 2 h incl. intermission Scene: Stenhammarsalen
330 SEK Student 165 SEK Young up to 29 165 SEK

Information from the organizer:

Frédéric Chopin’s masterful 24 Preludes Op. 28 were directly influenced by J.S. Bach’s Das wohltemperierte Klavier, with each piece composed in a different key. Accordingly, the first half of the program showcases the wide range of tonal choices within the music.
But music, like life with its temporal limitations, unpredictability and limitless emotional range, transcends mere choice. It delves into the core human values ​​of love, joy, sorrow, death and purpose. Just as composers carefully plan their works, people often shape their lives with careful intentions. Yet the future is uncertain, often determined by the chances we face.
Presented by Veneta Neynska, this inspiring and thought-provoking program titled Roads and Choices showcases her exceptional ability on the keyboard, delivering exquisite tonal nuances and building to dramatic musical climaxes.


Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
24 preludier, op. 28


Fritz Kreisler / Sergei Rachmaninoff
Liebesleid & Liebesfreud

Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943)
Elegie op. 3, nr 1

Manuel de Falla (1876 – 1946)
Danza nr 1 från La vida breve

C. W. Gluck / Giovanni Sgambati
Melodi från Orfeo ed Euridice

Franz Schubert / Franz Liszt
Gretchen am Spinnrade

Franz Liszt (1811 – 1886)
Ungersk rapsodi nr 2

Veneta Neynska

Known for her exceptionally creative and exciting projects, pianist Veneta Neynska is one of the most emotionally engaging and intellectually captivating pianists of her generation. Her fine and thoughtful interpretations of short pieces in the Brevitas solo album, elegant series of black-and-white musical videos and profound renderings of Franz Schubert’s complete piano sonatas are among the many fascinating pianistic endeavors Veneta has offered her appreciative audience.
A graduate of the University of Southern California’s Thornton School of Music in Los Angeles, CA under world-renowned pianist John Perry, Veneta has also studied with Joan Havill at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, UK.
Ever since being a laureate of the Beethoven Intercollegiate Competition and a First Prize winner at the Beethoven Hradec Competition, Veneta has performed a large portion of his solo piano, chamber music as well as his Triple and Third Concertos with the Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra in the Czech Republic, and the Fourth Concerto with the Shumen Philharmonic under the baton of Konstantin Ilievsky.
After her solo recital at the prestigious Apolonia festival in Sozopol, Veneta has toured various cities across Bulgaria, presenting a cineconcert dedicated to the Bulgarian composer Dimitar Nenov, featuring the musical documentary Dimitar Nenov and the Dimensions of Elegance, supported by the National Culture Fund. The pianist’s innovative recital program, Chances & Choices, explores musical and literary interpretations of the themes of fate and will, and has been presented in Germany, UK, and Ireland as well as at the Sofia Music Weeks festival in May 2024

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