Göteborgs Konserthus TABLAS FROM RAJASTHAN

Event has already taken place. Amrat Hussain Brothers Trio from the area between Pakistan and India.

Concert length: 2 h incl. intermission Scene: Stenhammarsalen
190-260 SEK Student 95-130 SEK

Event has already taken place

Amrat Hussain Brothers Trio, from the area between Pakistan and India, with devotional Sufic singing and dancing fingers.

The traditions of Sufic music go back a long time, and the art form was introduced to the practitioners at an early age. The members of Amrat Hussain Brothers Trio have seven generations of musicians behind them, and they carry on the richly decorated songs and the fingers’ virtuose dance across the drumskins.

The audience of a full Stenhammarsalen Hall has been impressed by Amrat Hussain’s zestful tablas-playing before, at the time behind Palestinian, world-famous artist Adnan Jobran. After celebrated concerts at festivals around the world, Amrat Hussain now returns to Sweden and Gothenburg for the first time, playing the drums in his own trio.


Amrat Hussain tablas

Sanjay Khan sång, harmonium, kastanjetter

Teepu Khan tablas

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11 April 2019 Här möts hela världen

Vi vill bjuda publiken på musik de inte visste att de tycker om.

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Nr 1 2019-2020 Med tablas världen runt

Den färgstarka brödratrion i Amrat Hussein Brothers inleder säsongens Världen i Konserthuset-serie med sitt lustfulla och rytmiska tablas-spel.

Hand håller telefon och dirigent sträcker sig ut ur skärmen på ett magiskt glittrande vis.

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