After almost two years of closed and limited stages, Sweden’s live and performing arts activities are moving towards a record-breaking range of events in 2022. Here you will find some of all the wonderful performing arts experiences you can enjoy right now!
A Svensk Scenkonst & Svensk Live campaign
Svensk Scenkonst and Svensk Live campaigns together to highlight the wide range of concerts and performances after the pandemic.
– It is with pleasure that we welcome the audience back to a large and varied cultural offer, where there is something for everyone. During the pandemic, we have strengthened the cooperation between our organizations and see that we can be helped in many matters. The campaign is a result of that and the collaboration will continue, says Joppe Pihlgren, operations manager for Svensk Live.
– Our members offer the audience a fantastically large and wide range throughout the country. Each performance or concert is a unique event and it adds something extra to share that experience with others. With the campaign, we want to remind you of the wonderful feeling of taking part in performing arts together, says Mikael Brännvall, CEO of Svensk Scenkonst.
To the campaign siteVälj ett abonnemang fyllt med konsertmagi!
Ett abonnemang i Göteborgs Konserthus ger dig oförglömliga upplevelser, rabatterat biljettpris, plats på konserter som snabbt blir utsålda och egen stol i salongen. Dessutom många andra att dela upplevelserna med. Vilket abonnemang väljer du?